


Welcome to the Student’s Parents Association (AMIPA) web of Meritxell School.

Here you will find information about the AMIPA, its functions, the Board of Directors structure and their participation with the governing organs of the school, the different Commissions, the Delegates Network and the Solidary Fund.

But this web space not only aims to provide information, but we also invite you to participate in all the Association activities. We would like this space to become a new and direct channel of participation and communication, enabling a more direct relationship among all members of the educational community of our school.


The AMIPA aims and functions are gathered in the article n.2 of its Rules and Regulations, and they are basically the following:

To offer support and assistance to mothers, fathers or tutors, teachers, students and governing and participation organs, on anything related to the education of all our students.
To encourage the representation and participation of parents or tutors on the areas and organs specified on our Rules and Regulations.
To cooperate in the attainment of the aims of the Meritxell Foundation, entity owner of the Meritxell School.
To facilitate the collaboration of the school in the social, cultural, economic and working areas of the surroundings.
Delegates Network

The figure of the Delegate is created due to the need of a more fluid communication between the families, the Amipa and the School.

At the beginning of the school year, families choose the so called Delegates, among the fathers and mothers of that school year. Their aim is to link the communication between families, Amipa and the different speakers of the School during the school year.

During the Board of AMIPA Directors, a coordinator of the Delegates Network is chosen, one for each school stage. He/she will be the connection between the Delegates and the Board of Directors.